
As one of the few Squadrons in Sussex Wing who deliver Bushcraft Training, cadets are able to experience the outdoors up close and personal!
The Basic Course – (Summer Training)
This course is designed for those who have never experienced living off the land. The course provides cadets with training in fire making, food collection and preparation, shelter building, water collection and preparation as well as maintaining tools and personal hygiene.
Cadets MUST be over 14 years old and have had at least 6 months’ experience in the Corps to better prepare themselves for this activity.
The Advanced Course – (Early Winter Training)
This recently revamped course takes the cadets to a new level, enhancing their knowledge and skills. Lessons here include the use of fire walls, signal fires, snares and traps, food consumption, rationing to name but a few. We also look to harness a cadet’s initiative by having them construct their own tools and equipment.
Cadets attending MUST have completed the Basic Course and be of strong mind and determination. Not for the faint hearted.
The Scenario Group- (Early Spring Training)
Formally the advanced group this level is presently under review. The aim at this level is to cut the cadets loose and with minimal resources, fend for themselves in a designated area under the watchful eyes of the staff instructors. Cadets receive minimal contact from us in the hope that they apply everything they have learnt to achieve a real sense of independence.
Cadets MUST have attended the first two courses, be of strong mind and determination and be at least 16 years old.